Why I Love Lisa The Iconoclast

"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man." "Embiggens? I never heard that word before I moved to Springfield." "I don't know why. It's a perfectly cromulent word." When it comes to The Simpsons, I am in a state of near constant conflict over which season and showrunners I love the most. Sometimes it's Seasons three and four with Mike Reiss and Al Jean producing. Sometimes it's seasons seven and eight with Bill Oakley and Josh Weinstein running things. The reason why it's hard to pick is because these four seasons are arguably the greatest in the entire run of the show and seeing as we have just recently concluded season 29, that is saying something. Josh and Bill, both of whom I have had the pleasure to talk with on Twitter, took the task of running perhaps the greatest comedy show of all time fiercely seriously. They believed, quite rightly, that there was a heavy responsibility to not diminish the quality and reputation of th...